Melting Skies (Short film)
This videoclip was particularly inspired by these two years of global madness which have forced the whole world to face: pandemic, wars and climate change. With this interdisciplinary work a bridge between music, performance and film we want to draw attention to the social damage of our time, such as isolation and selfishness of the individual. Instead we want to promote a message of hope that sees art as a way of inclusion and the return to nature as a comeback to reality. We like to encourage dialogue and common action for a different future and better world!
This clip focus on two main characters, who actually represent the same individual: one connected to the natural physical world and one trapped in the artificial digital cyber space. The two are now close now distant, now apart now overlapping, first in contrast then united. They influence each other and manipulate each other by entering now the world of one than the world of the other. On this journey, the digital protagonist take over, seperates from it’s counter part and dives deep into the darkness of the WWW. While scrolling through the channel of information, it faces various cyber characters who representats a part of the web-society we are living in. They rush through the channel, each one too busy with itself, each one totally addicted to his own little reality to allow the necessary time and space for a dialog. Our virtual protagonist is overwhelmed by the speed, senceless and careless information with which he is confronted, feeling crushed, decides to close in himself as this seems to be the most obvious way to tolerate an inhuman future incapable of caring for his own planet, sensitive only to money, power and fame, a generator of social damage and of homologated individuals now used to anything but the thought of a common future. Escaping this channel and unify with the natural embodyment of it self brings this clip to an end, where the digital and natural sides of the person dance in harmony together. There is not a right or wrong, a real or unreal, a digital or physical natural world. Both are part of our reality and all of us need to take care on both worlds, try to unify them with justice, honesty and acceptance. Yes, we are a hybride society, and the virtual space is also our home we must cultivate as so as we need to progress in this globalized physical world.
Melting Skies_ensemble:
Concept: PINION & CROWN ensemble collab ParadigMan
Choreography & Dance Performance: Sara Marin & Griet Vanden Houden
Guest performers: Josette Schindler, Vanessa Borromeo and Benjamin Müller
Music: ParadigMan
Video DP & editing: Jeremy Boschung
Location: St. Gallen Sittertobel 2022
Supporeted by: Kulturförderung Stadt St. Gallen